What IS hypnosis?

Opinions vary on the exact definition of this natural state of mind. First of all, contrary to what is commonly believed by many, hypnosis is NOT a "sleep" state even though a person in hypnosis may appear to be sleeping. I prefer the way my late mentor, Charles Tebbetts, defined hypnosis, so let me quote his exact words as written in MIRACLES ON DEMAND (which is, unfortunately, no longer in print): "There is no legal definition of hypnosis. Webster's dictionary describes it incorrectly as an artificially induced sleep, but it is actually a natural state of mind and induced normally in everyday living much more often than it is induced artificially. Every time we become engrossed in a novel or a motion picture, we are in a natural hypnotic trance (p. 211-212)."

I totally agree with the theory Charles Tebbetts taught: ALL HYPNOSIS IS SELF-HYPNOSIS, AND THE POWER IS IN THE MIND OF THE PERSON BEING HYPNOTIZED. So, in reality, the Hypnotherapist is more like a guide who facilitates the hypnotic process. Myron Teitelbaum, M.D., author of HYPNOSIS INDUCTION TECHNIQUES, came to the same conclusion--as is evidenced by what he wrote in the last two pages of Chapter 3: "The hypnotist is merely the guide who directs and leads the subject into the trance (page 18)."

Additionally, the common belief evidenced by research is that a person experiencing hypnosis slows down his or her brain waves from BETA into ALPHA--although some people believe that we may actually enter THETA during deep trance states. (THETA is normally the "dream" state we pass through on the way to and from DELTA--or deep sleep.) Be aware that since we must all pass through ALPHA on the way to and from sleep, we could easily say that all of us experience hypnosis at least twice daily. But in working with clients, I keep the explanation as simple as possible.

To me, the most accurate way of defining hypnosis is to simply call it "guided meditation." Since many of us enter a meditative or "trance" state while listening to music, watching TV, listening to a good speaker or a good sermon at church, or even while reading, you could say that the hypnotist does not even have to be a live person. So if hypnosis were ever outlawed, it would be virtually impossible to enforce, because we would have to stop the freedom of speech and freedom of press!

On the other hand, if all hypnosis is--as Charles Tebbetts firmly believed--really Guided self-hypnosis, then that truly makes the hypnotist an artist! This is why I chose THE ART OF HYPNOSIS as the title for the first volume of my major work based on the teachings of my late mentor.




我完全同意查爾斯特貝茨理論教學:所有催眠是自我催眠,而權在考慮到該人接受催眠。因此,在現實生活中,催眠治療師更像是一個指導誰便利催眠過程。邁倫泰特博士,作者催眠誘導技術研究,也得出了同樣的結論 - 這是證明他說,在過去兩頁的第3章:“在催眠師僅僅是誰指揮和引導領導主題進入恍惚(第18頁)。“

此外,共同的信念的研究證明,一個人遇到催眠減慢他或她的腦電波從 Beta到阿爾法 - 儘管有些人認為,我們可能進入西塔在深恍惚狀態。 (西塔通常是“夢想”的狀態,我們通過的方式,從三角洲 - 或深睡眠。)請注意,因為我們都必須通過阿爾法的方式和睡眠,我們可以很容易地說,所有我們的經驗催眠每天至少兩次。但是,在與客戶的工作,我不斷的解釋盡可能簡單。


另一方面,如果所有催眠是 - 查爾斯特貝茨堅信 - 真正的指導下自我催眠,那麼,真正使催眠是一個藝術家!這就是為什麼我選擇的藝術催眠,標題為第一卷我的主要工作基礎上,教導我的已故恩師。


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