Eating Disorders
(Including Anorexia and Bulimia)

Symptoms of Anorexia

By Toby Goldsmith, M.D., Sue Craven, Ph.D. and John M. Grohol, Psy.D.

Right now, 1 percent of all American women -- our sisters, mothers and daughters -- are starving themselves; some literally starving and exercising themselves to death. Eating disorders are becoming an epidemic, especially among our most promising young women. These women and girls, whom we admire and adore, feel a deep sense of inadequacy and ineffectiveness. Anorexia nervosa is a confusing, complex disease that many people know too little about.

There is no blame in anorexia nervosa. Anorexia is not an indication that parents have gone wrong in raising their children. Cultural, genetic and personality factors interact with life events to initiate and maintain eating disorders.

Anorexia is not fun. Many people who strive to lose weight state, "I wish I were anorexic." They fail to recognize the wretchedness of the disease. Anorexia is not about feeling thin, proud and beautiful; if you take the time to listen to an anorexic you will hear that they feel fat, unattractive and inadequate. They are scared and trapped.

Anorexia is not something sufferers can just "snap out of." Anorexics' minds are not their own; they are possessed by thoughts of weight, body image, food and calories. Many sufferers are not even free of the disease in their sleep, troubled by dreams of food, eating and exercise. Anorexia is an awful, lonely experience that often takes years to conquer.

Anorexia is hard on everyone involved. Living with someone with anorexia nervosa can be exasperating and confusing. To those who do not understand the complexity of the disorder, the sufferer's behavior seems selfish and manipulative. It is often hard to remember that eating disorders are a manifestation of profound unhappiness and distress.

Anorexia can be deadly. It has one of the highest fatality rates of any mental illness. If you or someone you know shows the signs or symptoms of an eating disorder, take action, get educated and seek help.

Specific Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa:

A person who suffers from this disorder is typically characterized by their refusal to maintain a body weight which is consistent with their build, age and height. Specifically, a person's body weight needs to be 85% or less than that which is considered typical for someone of similar build, age and height.

The individual usually experiences an intense and overwhelming fear of gaining weight or becoming fat. This fear is regardless of the person's actual weight, and will often continue even when the person is near death from starvation.
It is related to a person's poor self-image, which is also a symptom of this disorder. The individual suffering from this disorder believes that their body weight, shape and size is directly related to how good they feel about themselves and their worth as a human being. Persons with this disorder often deny the seriousness of their condition and can not objectively evaluate their own weight.

At least three consecutive menstrual cycles must be missed, if the woman was menstruating previously before the onset of the disorder. Specifically, a woman is considered to have amenorrhea if her periods occur only following hormone, e.g., estrogen, administration.

There are two types of anorexia nervosa:

  • Restricting type -- The person restricts their food intake on their own and does not engage in binge-eating or purging behavior.
  • Binge eating/purging type -- The person self-induces vomiting or misuses laxatives, diuretics, or enemas.

The Body Mass Calculator is one simple way to calculate your healthy weight.

現在,百分之一的所有美國女性 - 我們的姐妹,母親和女兒 - 飢餓的人;一些字面上飢餓和行使自己的死亡。飲食失調正成為流行,尤其是我們最有前途的年輕女性。這些婦女和女孩,我們對此表示欽佩和崇拜的人,感到深切的不足和效率低下。神經性厭食症是一種混亂,複雜的疾病,許多人都知道得太少有關。







誰的人患有這種疾病通常是他們的特點是拒絕維持體重是符合他們的身材,年齡和身高。具體來說,一個人的 體重需要85%或更少 這被認為是較典型的同類人建立,年齡和身高。

個人通常經驗 強烈的和最害怕體重增加或成為脂肪。這種擔心是,無論該人的實際重量,往往會繼續,即使是接近死亡的人從飢餓。它關係到一個人的貧困人口的自我形象,這也是對這種疾病的症狀。個人患有這種疾病認為, 他們的身體重量,形狀和大小,直接關係到他們如何自我感覺良好 他們的價值和作為一個人。與此疾病的人往往否認自己的病情的嚴重性,不能客觀地評價自己的體重。

在連續 3個月經週期至少要錯過,如果以前的女人來月經前發病的疾病。具體來說,一個女人被認為已出現閉經,如果她的時間只有以下激素,如雌激素,管理。


  • 制約型 - 該人限制他們的食物攝入量對自己和不參與狂歡吃或清洗行為。
  • 暴食/清除型 - 該人的自我誘導嘔吐或濫用瀉藥,利尿劑或灌腸。

體重計算器 是一個簡單的方法來計算你的健康體重。


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