Alcohol/Substance Abuse


Abuse of alcohol or a substance (such as cocaine, nicotine, marijuana, etc.) is generally characterized by a maladaptive pattern of alcohol or substance use leading to significant impairment or distress, as manifested by 1 or more of the following, occurring within a one year period:

  • Recurrent substance use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home (e.g., repeated absences or poor work performance related to substance use; substance-related absences, suspensions, or expulsions from school; neglect of children or household)

  • Recurrent alcohol or substance use in situations in which it is physically hazardous (e.g., driving an automobile or operating a machine when impaired by substance use)

  • Recurrent alcohol or substance-related legal problems (e.g., arrests for alcohol or substance-related disorderly conduct)

  • Continued alcohol or substance use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of alcohol or substance use (e.g., arguments with spouse about consequences of intoxication, physical fights)

The symptoms must also have never met the criteria for Alcohol/Substance Dependence for this class of substance or alcohol.

Those who are able to easily say 'no' to a drink have changed their relationship with alcohol so that they no longer crave what it promises. Hypnosis can be effective for escaping from the alcohol trap because it helps you make those changes 'deep down' to get rid of the drives that keep pushing you to drink. Using hypnosis, alochol can lose its hold over you remarkably quickly.


Those who are able to easily say 'no' to a drink have changed their relationship with alcohol so that they no longer crave what it promises. Hypnosis can be effective for escaping from the alcohol trap because it helps you make those changes 'deep down' to get rid of the drives that keep pushing you to drink. Using
hypnosis, alochol can lose its hold over you remarkably quickly.



濫用酒精或物質(如可卡因,尼古丁,大麻等)的普遍特徵是一種不良的模式使用酒精或藥物導致的重大損害或痛苦,這表現了 1個或多個 以下,發生在一 一年期

  • 經常使用藥物導致未能履行義務的,工作的重要作用,學校,或家庭(例如,重複的工作表現欠佳缺席或使用藥物相關的;物質相關的absences,懸浮物,或由學校驅逐;忽視的兒童或household )

  • 經常性飲酒或使用藥物的情況下,它是身體有害的(例如,駕駛汽車或操作機器時,受損的物質的使用)

  • 經常性的酒精或藥物有關的法律問題(例如,逮捕酒精或藥物有關的行為不檢)

  • 繼續飲酒或使用藥物,儘管有持續性或經常性的社會或人際關係的問題而造成或加劇的影響,酗酒或使用藥物(例如,論據與配偶的後果中毒,打架)

這些症狀還必須從未見過的準則 酒精/藥物依賴 這個類的物質或酒精。

這些誰都能輕易說'不',一喝他們的關係已經改變,酒精,使他們不再渴望什麼承諾。催眠可以有效地逃避酒精計,因為它可以幫助你 這些變化使'深處' 擺脫的驅動器,不斷拓展你喝。使用催眠,酒精就會失去其持有你非常迅速。


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