How Hypnosis Works

Learn about how to generate an alpha state--the brainwave state required to open the bridge to the powerful subconscious mind--and how you can begin to make powerful changes in your life.

Hypnosis induces a natural state of mind (alpha and sometimes theta) in which a person enters into an extraordinarily relaxed state of being—mentally, physically, and emotionally.  Alpha is the brainwave state of mind associated with beginning hypnosis.  It is a natural state of mind we are in every day.  And it is possible for us to induce the alpha state ourselves—or with the guidance of a hypnotist—whenever we choose.  It is a fairly easy process to learn. 

But before we learn how to induce an alpha state, now is the perfect time to examine the four brainwave states and gain a better understanding of each of them.  There are four brainwave states: beta; alpha; theta; and delta.  Beta is the normal walking around, conscious state; alpha is a relaxed, drowsy state; theta is the light sleep state; and delta is the deep sleep or coma state.  The following explains brainwave states of mind, the characteristics of these states, and how to access them.

Beta--The beta state is our normal, walking around alert state.  It operates in the 14-30 Hz range and we get there by waking up and starting to move and think.

Alpha--The alpha state is a light relaxation, beginning hypnosis and visualization state; a daydreaming state of mind in which our brain is operating in the 7-14 Hz range.  We get there by closing our eyes, breathing deeply, and relaxing.

Theta--The theta state is the meditation, deep hypnosis, and light sleep state.  This is also the lucid dreaming state and OBE state (out of body experience) in which our brain is operating in the 3-7 Hz range. We get there through guided meditations that take us on a journey deep within ourselves.  We also, of course, can get there through going to sleep.

Delta--The Delta state is the deep sleep and healing state and operates in the 0.5-3 Hz range.  We get there through our sleep cycles at night.

For hypnosis professionals and self-hypnotists, there are certain aspects of brainwave states and how they relate to hypnosis that should be understood.  The alpha state is important for a number of reasons.  Alpha waves serve as a bridge between the conscious mind (beta brainwave state) and the subconscious mind (theta brainwave state).  The alpha state builds a bridge to the theta state which allows us conscious access to the unconscious material located in our subconscious mind.  This bridge also gives us the opportunity to reprogram our subconscious mind.  Thus, when we practice hypnosis, we can reprogram our subconscious or access information about ourselves that we otherwise might not be able to recall.  For anyone desiring to learn about brainwaves and how to master them, Anna Wise has written a wonderful book on brainwaves--Awakening the Mind.

One more note on brainwaves.  These brainwave states are not exclusive.  In other words, when you are in a dominant beta state (walking around, alert state), you are also likely producing some alpha waves.  And if you were to relax just a bit, you would likely be producing more alpha waves and fewer beta waves.  Close your eyes and you'll further deepen your alpha state, but you'll still be producing some beta waves.  Start daydreaming and you'll likely start producing some theta waves.  You are the one who decides your brainwave state.  Hypnosis is just a process that helps create a specific brainwave state in which the mind is more highly focused and more open to suggestion.  You don't really need a hypnotist to achieve the hypnotic state of mind.  You're in it daily.

Okay, now we’re ready to take a general look (we’ll get more detailed in the EZ self-hypnosis Tutorial section) at how hypnosis works:

It all begins with relaxation which is designed to bring the subject or self-hypnotist into an alpha state.  Simply closing the eyes and taking a few deep breaths can take a person into a light alpha state.  Other induction techniques (e.g., fractional relaxation or guided journeys) are used to deepen the alpha state (and in some cases to induce theta waves) and further focus the mind.  A fractional relaxation induction focuses on suggestions to relax the body one area at a time, often beginning at the top of the head and moving all the way down to the feet and toes.  By concentrating on relaxing the different areas of the body, three things are accomplished.  First, the subject or self-hypnotist becomes more relaxed and moves into a deeper brainwave state.  Second, the person’s awareness becomes highly focused on the process of relaxing to the exclusion of all else.  And thirdly, the conscious mind begins to take a secondary role to the subconscious which comes to the forefront of the mind.

In most cases, the alpha state is all that is needed to make powerful changes.  The theta state is a more difficult brainwave state to access while continuing to remain conscious.  Theta is, after all, the light sleep state.  It takes some meditators ten years or longer to be able to consciously generate high amplitude theta brainwaves.  These days there is a shortcut to generating theta waves while remaining conscious.  Brainwave Entrainment through the use of audio files is now used on many hypnosis recordings to access deeper levels of mind while remaining conscious.  Different combinations of brainwave states can be generated for a variety of effects.  But, as mentioned earlier, generating an alpha state is usually all that is needed to make powerful changes.  Once we have relaxed enough to induce the alpha state, the subconscious mind comes to the forefront and the stage has been set for us to make changes.

Now that we’re in an alpha and/or theta state, we’re ready to begin programming or reprogramming our subconscious mind.  This is the point in the process where we use suggestions and visualizations to send a message to our subconscious about the change we have chosen to make.  Often times, as part of the process of hypnosis, we have to let go of old belief systems or core issues that have led to the patterns of behavior we are seeking to change.  If we don’t let go of the old belief systems, they may very well prevent us from making the changes we desire to make because the subconscious mind and the Creative Level of Mind will continue to create for us based on those old belief systems.  If we try to create new belief systems before letting go of the old belief systems, our mind is likely to be conflicted and our results will reflect that.  So the key in this stage of the hypnosis process is to bring our subconscious mind into alignment with the desires of our conscious mind.  First, we let go of any beliefs or core issues that created the unwanted behavior in the first place, and then we go about the task of influencing our subconscious to help us create our new behavior or desire.

The most effective way to influence our subconscious mind to “get with the program” of our conscious mind is to effectively utilize the emotional motivation that was at the heart of our wanting to make a change in the first place.  For instance, let’s say we have a strong desire to lose weight.  And let’s say that the emotional catalyst for our wanting to lose weight was our desire to look and feel more attractive.  One way to get the message across to our subconscious mind is with a visualization of a slender, more attractive version of ourselves during our hypnosis session.  Since our subconscious works best with images and symbols, a good visualization can be a very effective part of a hypnosis strategy to lose weight.  Also, telling ourselves (the subconscious part of us) how wonderful it will be to be slender and fit, and how everyone will be complimenting us on how great we look, can go a long ways toward convincing our subconscious that losing weight is what we really desire to do.  We also need to remember to let go of any beliefs or core issues that may have been behind our becoming overweight in the first place.

Not all behavioral changes require a letting go of old belief systems or a healing of core issues.  For example, smoking often begins as a social thing.  Perhaps as teens our friends smoked, so we thought we’d give it a try.  Maybe our parents smoked, so we followed in their steps.  Or, could be, we’re rebels and smoking fits the image of a rebel.  With smoking, all that’s usually required to quit is a strong desire to quit and a good hypnosis script that gets our motivations across to our subconscious mind in a powerful and effective way.  With losing weight, there are often core issues involved that need to be dealt with first before we can be successful with weight loss.  Finding a good, qualified therapist is always a good idea when dealing with any change involving core issues.

An important aspect of becoming a good self-hypnotist requires that we develop a high level of self-awareness that allows us to have a good feel for recognizing when deeper issues are involved.  Letting go of old beliefs that no longer serve our highest interest is an integral part of a successful hypnosis project.

Again, hypnosis is a natural state of mind (alpha, and occasionally theta) characterized by an extraordinary state of relaxation (physically, mentally, and emotionally) in which there is a heightened awareness and focus and an open responsiveness to suggestion.  How does it work?  While we’ve gone into some detail above to explain how hypnosis works, a basic answer to the question can be found in the “Keys to Hypnosis” (we’d like to give credit to the originator of these keys, but are unaware of the source.):

1.Breath is the key to relaxation.
2.Relaxation is the key to suggestion.
3.Suggestion is the key to hypnosis.
Simple, yet it captures the essence of hypnosis.  But for those who would choose to become effective self-hypnotists, a deeper understanding of hypnosis and of the interrelationship between the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the Creative Level of Mind is required.  Thus, it’s time to move to the subconscious mind.

Click here to learn about The Power of the Subconscious Mind.

了解如何生成一個 alpha狀態 - 國家規定的腦波開啟橋,強大的潛意識 - 以及如何就可以開始進行有力的改變你的生活。


但在我們學習如何吸引一個 alpha狀態,現在是最佳時機,研究4腦波狀態,並取得更好的了解他們每個。腦波有四種狀態:β;α;θ波和三角洲。測試是正常走動,自覺狀態;阿爾法是一個輕鬆的,昏昏欲睡的狀態;θ波是淺睡眠狀態;和三角洲是深沉睡眠或昏迷狀態。下面的說明腦波的精神狀態,這些國家的特點,以及如何訪問他們。

試用版 - 第二位的國家是我們正常的,走在戒備狀態。它的工作範圍在14-30赫茲,而我們那裡的清醒,並開始移動和思考。

阿爾法 - 國家的阿爾法是一種輕放鬆,開始催眠和可視化狀態; 1白日夢的心境,使我們的大腦是在7-14赫茲經營範圍。我們那裡通過關閉我們的眼睛,深深呼吸,放鬆。

西塔 - 在theta的國家是冥想,深催眠和淺睡眠狀態。這也是清醒夢狀態,OBE的狀態(出身體經驗),使我們的大腦是在3-7赫茲經營範圍。通過引導我們到達那裡沉思,這意味著他們對自己深處的旅程。我們當然也可以通過去那裡睡覺。

三角洲 - 三角洲國家是深度睡眠狀態,經營和醫治在0.5-3赫茲範圍。到達那裡,我們通過我們的睡眠週期,在夜間進行。

對於專業人士和自我催眠,催眠師,有某些方面的腦波狀態,以及它們如何涉及到催眠,應該被理解。阿爾法狀態的一個數字是很重要的原因。α波作為潛意識之間的橋樑(β腦波州)和潛意識(theta的腦波狀態)。阿爾法國家的橋樑,建立一個在θ波狀態,讓我們意識到進入昏迷材料坐落在我們的潛意識。這座橋也使我們有機會重新編寫我們的潛意識。因此,當我們練習催眠,我們可以重新編程或訪問我們的潛意識信息,否則我們自己,我們可能無法回收。對於任何人都渴望了解腦波以及如何掌握它們,安娜懷斯寫了一本極好的書對腦波, - 覺醒的心靈。


好,現在我們已經準備好採取一般看(我們會得到更詳細的 宰自我催眠教程 一節)在催眠狀態如何工作的:

一切從放寬,其目的是使主體或自我催眠成一個 alpha狀態。只需關閉的眼睛和採取一些深呼吸可以採取一個人變成了光阿爾法狀態。其他感應技術(例如,分數或放寬指導行程)用於深化阿爾法狀態(在某些情況下,促使theta的波),並進一步專心致志。一個分數放鬆誘導的重點建議,以使身體放鬆的時間在一個地區,往往開始於頂部頭和移動一路下降到腳和腳趾。通過集中不同領域放寬的身體,三件事情要完成。第一,學科或自我催眠變得更加輕鬆地進入一個更深的腦波狀態。其次,人的意識變得高度集中的過程輕鬆,排除一切之上。第三,有意識的心開始採取次要作用,其中涉及到的潛意識心靈的前列。

在大多數情況下,阿爾法狀態是所有需要作出巨大的變化。在θ波狀態是一個比較困難的腦波狀態訪問,同時繼續保持清醒。西塔是,畢竟,光睡眠狀態。它需要一些禪修 10年或更長的時間才能自覺地產生高幅θ腦電波。這些天有一個捷徑,而其餘的波浪發電 theta的意識。 腦波拖帶 通過使用音頻文件是現在使用的許多催眠錄音訪問,而更深層次的精神餘下意識。腦波狀態的不同組合可以產生不同的效果。但是,正如前面提到的,生成一個字母通常是所有國家這是需要做出有力的改變。一旦我們放寬到足以促使阿爾法狀態,潛意識來到了舞台的前沿,已為我們作出改變。

現在,我們正處在一個字母和/或θ波狀態,我們就可以開始編程或重新編程的潛意識。這一點在這個過程中,我們使用的建議和可視化將消息發送到我們的潛意識對變革我們選擇做。很多時候,作為這一進程的一部分,催眠,我們必須放棄舊的信仰系統或核心問題導致的行為模式,我們正在尋求改變。如果我們不放手舊的信仰體系,他們很可能妨礙我們作出的改變,我們的願望,因為它的心靈和潛意識 創造性思維水平 將繼續為我們創建基於這些舊的信仰系統。如果我們在努力創造新的信仰體系之前放下舊的信仰體系,我們的心是可能的衝突,我們的結果將反映這一點。因此,在這個關鍵階段在催眠的過程是使我們的潛意識把對準的願望,我們有意識的態度。首先,我們放過任何信仰或核心問題,創造了不想要的行為擺在首位,然後我們著手這項工作的影響我們的潛意識,幫助我們建立新的行為或願望。





很簡單,但它抓住了本質的催眠。但是,對於那些誰都會選擇成為有效的自我催眠師,催眠有更深的了解和相互關係的清醒的頭腦,潛意識,以及 創造性思維水平 是必需的。因此,它的時間移動到潛意識。

點擊 這裡 了解 該國的潛意識。


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