Top 6 Hypnosis FAQs
There are plenty of frequently ask question (FAQ) about hypnosis. Below are 6 of the most popular FAQ about hypnosis.

FAQ 1: Can I be hypnotized?
Anyone with normal intelligence and ability to concentrate are able to learn the hypnotic condition. Research has shown that a large number of people are more hypnotizable than they believe. If you are interested in being hypnotized, it is important to remember to approach the experience with an open mind. Research has suggested that individuals who view hypnosis in a positive light tend to respond better.

FAQ 2: How does hypnosis feel?
The experience of hypnosis can vary from one person to another. But generally, you will feel drowsy as you begin to enter hypnosis. Your eyelids will become heavy and fatigue will gradually move over you, giving way to a delightful sense of relaxation. This is the same feeling that happens to you naturally late at night when preparing to go to sleep.

FAQ 3: Is hypnosis sleeping?
Hypnosis is not sleeping. In fact, most people find they actually have a heightened sense of awareness and focus. They are able to hear what is said and control their responses and involvement in the process. But some people may get so relaxed and lead them to fall asleep if they are already tired. This is no problem though, because some parts of consciousness keep listening to the therapist's voice.

FAQ 4: How long will it take before the hypnosis works?
There is no solid answer here. Since every person is different, each situation comes with its own set of variables. It should be said that though sometimes a permanent result can be achieved after two or three sessions, most cases require several sessions.

FAQ 5: What effects does hypnosis have?
Hypnosis can be used to dramatically alter perceptions. Relaxation come from hypnosis helps to bring about a balance within the system, of mind, body and soul, emotionally and physically. The ancient method of hypnosis is more used as a complement in medicine where it has proved to be a valuable alternative to drugs. Hypnosis has been used for thousands of years to effectively speed up healing and relieve stress symptoms.

FAQ 6: Are hypnosis and brainwashing the same thing?
Brainwashing typically involves sleep deprivation, malnutrition and denial of one's most basic needs. It requires many days and often months to accomplish. Eventually the victim is pushed to the edge of psychosis until he robotically responds to any command given. Hypnosis, on the other hand, is not based upon discomfort, but rather in assisting the client to become as comfortable and relaxed as possible. The objective is not compliance, but cooperation.

有大量的經常問的問題(FAQ)的有關催眠。以下是6 最流行的常見問題關於催眠。

常見問題 1:我可以被催眠?

常見問題 2:如何催眠有什麼感覺?


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