Will I lose consciousness or get stuck?

You will only lose consciousness if you fall asleep.  And then you would simply wake up like you would after a nap.  No one has ever gotten "stuck" in hypnosis.

Can a hypnotist make me do something against my will?

No.  First off, you are conscious during hypnosis and could stop a session anytime you wanted to stop.  And again, your subconscious mind is very protective of you and would not accept any suggestions that would be harmful to you in any way.  Again, your subconscious mind would not accept suggestions that would violate your moral or ethical codes.

Do I have to believe in hypnosis in order for it to work for me?

Not really.  You don't have to believe in hypnosis in order for it to work for you, but you do have to be willing to give it a try in order for it to work.  Wonderful results have been achieved by people who didn't believe in hypnosis.  And it's not unusual for people to believe that they weren't actually hypnotized when they were.

Will I remember what went on in a hypnosis session?

Yes.  You can remember all details of a session, and certainly everything you need to remember.  However, because you are in a drowsy state, your memory of some details may fade rather quickly as often happens with dreams.  If you want to remember everything, you can either tape the session or write everything down immediately after the session.

Do I have to go into a “deep state” of hypnosis for changes to be effective?

Only a light to medium hypnosis state is needed for hypnosis to be effective.  Good results can occur with a light state.  The most important factor in an effective hypnosis session is the level of desire of the client.  If a person's desire is strong and they have a willingness to enter into a relaxed hypnotic state, chances for success are excellent.

How can I tell if I’m hypnotized?

Well, there are several "signs" that characterize a state of hypnosis.  Obviously, a subject will feel very relaxed.  Also, once the eyes are closed and a client has begun to enter a hypnotic state, it's not unusual for the eyelids to flutter slightly.  The eyelids can feel quite heavy, and the subject feels no need or desire to open their eyes..  The eyes may water and be red when someone comes out of hypnosis.  It's also fairly common for a subject to sigh or to swallow during a session.  There is also a state or feeling of well-being during hypnosis.  Tingling or numbness may occur.  Everyone is different, but these are some of the more common signs of a hypnotic state.

Is hypnosis safe?

Yes.  Remember, hypnosis is a natural state of mind, and natural states of mind are not dangerous.  Of course, when you practice self-hypnosis or listen to a hypnosis CD or tape, don't do so while you're driving a car or taking a bath or operating machinery.  Always use common sense.

Will medication influence my ability to be hypnotized?

Yes, it can.  It will depend on the specific medication you are taking.  If you are currently under medication or have a medical condition, always consult your doctor to find out if hypnosis is appropriate for you given your medical circumstances.

What can hypnosis be used for and how can it benefit me?

Hypnosis can be used for a variety of purposes.  Relieving stress; self-improvement; treating addictions; dealing with fears/phobias; improving sports performance; changing behavioral patterns; spiritual development; and weight control are just a few of the areas in which hypnosis can be beneficial.  Essentially, the sky is the limit.

What is aversion therapy?

Aversion therapy is a therapeutic technique that uses revulsion as a motivational tool for changing a behavioral pattern.  An example would be a therapist who asks a patient trying to quit smoking to imagine what it would be like to have throat cancer.

What is the subconscious?

The subconscious is that part of the mind that lies just below the level of the conscious mind and is the part of the mind of which we are unaware.  While the conscious mind is the reasoning, intellectual aspect of our mind, the subconscious is the non-critical aspect of our mind (no judgment goes on here--the subconscious accepts everything that is presented to it).  It is the home of our imagination and emotions.  Intuition arises here.  The subconscious records everything we experience through our five senses and stores all the information.  All our thoughts, feelings, and belief systems are stored in our subconscious and brought to our conscious awareness at relevant times.  The subconscious breathes us, circulates blood through our circulatory system, and is responsible for all the involuntary functions of the body.  It also carries out all of our habituated behaviors.  This is why it is so critical to hypnosis.  When a person is deeply relaxed, the subconscious mind comes to the forefront and patterns of behavior can be changed; old memories can be accessed and processed; belief systems can be changed and new beliefs established.  Convincing the subconscious is the key to making powerful changes in our lives.  It is the key to hypnosis.

How is hypnosis different from creative visualization and guided meditations?

Not a whole lot.  In some instances, there may be some differences in techniques.  But the goal is always the same--to become relaxed and focus the mind.  Visualizations and guided imagery have long been techniques used in the art of hypnosis.  This is because the subconscious mind relates best to symbols and imagery.

How quickly can I expect results from hypnosis or hypnotherapy?

How strong is your desire and commitment to make changes?  The stronger your desire and commitment, the sooner you are likely to get results.  There are other factors of course.  Some problems are easier solved than others.  Some people will quit smoking the first time they have a session, some will take longer (four or five sessions).  Phobias can often be dealt with in just a few sessions.  But problems in which core issues need to be dealt with obviously would take longer.

Can self-hypnosis be as effective as hypnosis with a hypnosis professional?

Self-Hypnosis can be just as effective in many cases as hypnosis with a professional.  But there are a lot of factors to take into consideration.  First, like anything in life, self-hypnosis is a skill that requires some training and practice.  The more you practice self-hypnosis, the better you get at it.  If you are trying to change a behavior pattern or create a new one where there are no core issues involved, a competent self-hypnosis practitioner can be as effective as a professional.  But when core issues are involved, it's likely best to work with a professional who is experienced at guiding clients into self-awareness of their deeper issues and helping them to deal with those issues.  So, in some instances, self-hypnosis can be just as effective as hypnosis with a professional; in other instances, a professional may be required.  What's great about practicing self-hypnosis is the power it gives you to make improvements in your life






不盡然。您不必相信催眠,以它為你工作,但你必須願意給它一個嘗試,以便為它工作。奇妙的結果已經達到人們誰 didn'噸相信催眠。和它的不尋常的人相信,他們不是真正催眠時,被。


是的。您可以記住所有細節的會議,當然你的一切 需要 要記住。然而,因為你是在一個昏昏欲睡的狀態,你的記憶的一些細節可能褪色較快經常發生與夢想。如果你想記住一切,你可以在會議或磁帶後馬上寫的一切會議。










催眠可以被用於多種用途。緩解壓力,自我改進,治療吸毒成癮,處理恐懼 /恐懼,改善運動成績;改變行為模式,精神發展,控制體重只是一小部分在哪些領域催眠可以是有益的。本質上,天空是極限。




潛意識是心靈的一部分,是僅低於水平的意識心靈,是心靈的一部分,我們並不知道。雖然頭腦是清醒的推理,知識方面我們的頭腦,潛意識是不關鍵環節,我們的頭腦(沒有判決的推移在這裡 - 在潛意識接受的一切,是提交給它)。這是我們家的想像力和情感。直覺出現在這裡。潛意識記錄的一切,我們通過我們的五個感官經驗和存儲所有信息。我們所有的思想,感情,信仰系統是儲存在我們的潛意識,並提請我們的意識在有關的時代。我們的潛意識呼吸,血液循環通過我們的循環系統,並負責所有非自願功能身體。同時進行我們所有的習慣於行為。這就是為什麼它是如此重要的催眠。當一個人深深放鬆,潛意識來到前沿和模式的行為是可以改變的,舊的記憶可以訪問和處理;信仰體系是可以改變的,新的信念成立。說服潛意識的關鍵是強大的變化,使我們的生活。它的關鍵是催眠。


不是一大堆。在某些情況下,可能有一些差異的技巧。但目的都是一樣 - 成為放鬆和集中精神。可視化圖像和引導長期使用的技術在藝術的催眠。這是因為潛意識涉及最好的符號和圖像。






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